Sunday, April 7, 2013

o/~ A long time ago, we used to be friends o/~

I read a book this morning (yes, I know, don't judge me) about how the little decisions you make can change your future and make it so that you marry some guy and not your best friend who lives next door, and then I remembered Daniel, the tall African boy who used to live next door to me, and I wonder what decisions I could have made that would make us be married right now, and what that would be like.  He was so tall!  I wish I could remember what country he was from.  BUT SPEAKING OF FRIENDS...

I've been listening to this song a lot more lately since the Veronica Mars soundtrack found its way back into my regular rotation (movie! yes! win!) and it makes me think about the people I'm not friends with anymore. Most of those I no longer speak with have just faded away, but some I don't talk to because of something one of us did (or in some cases, something I did that they chose to react a particular way about, which lead to a breaking of ties).  There are a few of the latter that I truly miss (seriously, why wouldn't you have just talked to me about it and then trusted me?) but mostly it's the Faders that I miss and wish I could get back.

But getting them back isn't easy, at least not when you're me. There's one person in particular that I'm Facebook friends with, and every time she updates something I want to message her and be like "let's hang out! Our lives could be similar and interesting together!" But then I remember that we haven't spoken in Jesus even knows how long, and that would be so awkward.  Mainly because I'm super awkward?

But I mean, how do you go to someone and be like "I would like to insert myself into your life please let's do this" without sounding like a creeper?  I had decided last year to make more friends (or renew old ties with), especially more girl friends, and I've increased my count that time.  Two isn't bad!  Especially for me.  But I'm not good at maintaining that, so I end up floundering around feeling dumb all the time.

So basically, if you're reading this, LET'S BE FRIENDS!

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