Friday, January 31, 2014


Several years ago, I realized that I didn't have any hobbies.  Whenever I came across the "what do you do in your spare time" question, I was stumped.  I mean, I had things that I did when I wasn't at work and/or sleeping, but they were exclusively "spend time on the internet" and "watch TV".  Those are not really hobbies.  I was envious of people with proper hobbies - Brian spent his time repairing electronic things and making his arcade video game system thing, but I couldn't really find a similar way to occupy my time.

I started to look around at my friends, and I realized that what I was really jealous of was their ability to create.  I have some amazingly talented friends, people who take beautiful pictures, make fantastic string art, freaking write plays...they all had something that they made that was separate from them and would last long after they were gone.  That's what I wanted.

So I decided to create, and in doing so I found some hobbies.

My first step was to narrow down what I had at least some ability to do.  I can't draw stick-figures, all of my photographs come out blurry and off-center, and any story that I try to write, well, also comes out blurry and off-center.  Then I remembered that my mother actually taught me useful things when I was a kid.  She never taught me how to do make-up, style my hair, or carry on a normal conversation, but she did teach me how to use a sewing machine, how to cross-stitch, and how to crochet a little.

So I started with buying a sewing machine for my birthday.  Eager to show Brian that I hadn't just wasted several hundred dollars, I promptly made a couple of messenger bags and a hilariously too-big pair of PJ pants.  At that point I remembered that I am terrible with patterns (although I do love the messenger bags), and despaired that I actually HAD wasted several hundred dollars.  I started futzing around with my leftover fabric, and I accidentally made a quilt block.   Then I accidentally made a whole quilt top.

I guess I quilt now.  That's a hobby, right?  I'm not good at it, and I haven't actually finished a quilt yet (that top is still waiting to be batted, backed, and bound), but I have blocks from two other quilts going now, so it is officially a hobby!


After my success with the quilt top, I decided to venture away from the machine and remember how to cross-stitch.  My first project was a complete success, and I still love looking at it each day when I come home.  I just finished my second project, and I haven't quite decided what to do with it yet.  I have a third, fourth, and fifth pattern in the queue, so cross-stitching is officially a second hobby!


After my success at cross-stitching, I decided to go into other thread-related arenas.  I started embroidering a challah cover (still not done).  I knitted a scarf (just finished).  I just learned last night how to crochet in the round, and we'll see how that goes.   SO MANY THINGS.  I'm not sure if any of these will become official hobbies or not, but these are still things that I've created and can use in my life and in my house, and I feel so good about them, wobbly worksmanship or not.

The best part of this though, is that when I come across the "what do you do in your spare time" question, I finally have an answer.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The 614th Mitzvah

Sometimes in my reading and watching and all the learning that I have to do, the weight of the history of the Jewish people feels like it's too much to take on.  Last night I read about the Shoah and it really clicked how many Jews were actually killed.  For Germany to go from 3,300,000 Jews to 300, hear 6 million tossed around and yes, it's a lot but there are 7 billion people in the world, so 6 million doesn't seem so many...and then you realize there are only maybe 13, 14 million Jews alive today, and suddenly you realize that 6 million is an entire third of that.  90% of Poland's Jews were exterminated.

It's just so many.  It's so heavy.  We watched The Pianist and it just felt like my soul was breaking.

Each day it seems my eyes are opened a little bit more, like I can see through a crack in a door to another world wherein most of the Jews of the world WEREN'T killed.  What would a world be like?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

More feelings

Well, I went to services again last Friday, and they were fairly similar to the week before.  The makeup of the crowd was similar, although there were a couple of younger people floating around.  I still liked it, maybe more so because instead of a choir, there was a cantor, and it was easier to understand what she was singing. Plus this time she sang Shalom Aleichem which is basically the only one I can sing along with properly, so I felt included.

I've bought so many books recently that I feel like I need to do an inventory, because seriously it's getting kind of ridiculous.  Maybe I should use Goodreads or something.  Currently I'm reading this one, and I'm enjoying it, I think because so far it's mostly a history book and I do love me some history.

I've got to get back to trying to read Hebrew, because I feel like I'll never be able to immerse myself properly until I can understand what's written in front of me.  But I am le tired.  So there's that.

That's all I've got.  Another book just arrived and I've got to investigate.