Thursday, January 2, 2014

More feelings

Well, I went to services again last Friday, and they were fairly similar to the week before.  The makeup of the crowd was similar, although there were a couple of younger people floating around.  I still liked it, maybe more so because instead of a choir, there was a cantor, and it was easier to understand what she was singing. Plus this time she sang Shalom Aleichem which is basically the only one I can sing along with properly, so I felt included.

I've bought so many books recently that I feel like I need to do an inventory, because seriously it's getting kind of ridiculous.  Maybe I should use Goodreads or something.  Currently I'm reading this one, and I'm enjoying it, I think because so far it's mostly a history book and I do love me some history.

I've got to get back to trying to read Hebrew, because I feel like I'll never be able to immerse myself properly until I can understand what's written in front of me.  But I am le tired.  So there's that.

That's all I've got.  Another book just arrived and I've got to investigate.

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