Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Recently apparently I decided to try and become more creative or something.  I was looking through my mother-in-law's student artwork, and I was so impressed by her ability to create something beautiful that lasts a long time.  (Seriously, look at these.)  Then my friend Alex wrote a play that's being performed, and I look at the video game controllers and consoles(!) that Brian has built, and I watch my father and my sister cook and bake these amazing things, and I look at Brian's afghan that his grandmother made for him, and I realize that I have nothing like that of my own.  I feel like I'm not creative at all.

So I decided to try and change that.  I told Brian I wanted a sewing machine for my birthday, a request which he obliged, and I have since made one small May Day pocket that I loved, two messenger bags that I like, a small purse which I absolutely do not like, and 23 quilt blocks that are poorly cut, badly sewn, and just generally look kind of weird.  But I still made them!   I also got a knitting set to learn how to knit (again), and I am very much going to attempt to not give it up again (again.)

So that's what I'm doing.  And maybe learning to do this will spark some kind of passion for creation in me, and I'll get better at it and then start to like it more and then I can say that I made lovely things too, and I'll feel like I contributed somehow to the world, even if it was just with a lopsided quilt.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is so great!

    Honestly, the best thing I've gotten from this play process is that now I can view myself as a creative person. People have been telling me I'm creative for years, but it's a different thing to think so yourself. And you are creative too! Sewing is so wonderful (and hard)!

    SO, kudos, friend.

