Sunday, January 5, 2014

The 614th Mitzvah

Sometimes in my reading and watching and all the learning that I have to do, the weight of the history of the Jewish people feels like it's too much to take on.  Last night I read about the Shoah and it really clicked how many Jews were actually killed.  For Germany to go from 3,300,000 Jews to 300, hear 6 million tossed around and yes, it's a lot but there are 7 billion people in the world, so 6 million doesn't seem so many...and then you realize there are only maybe 13, 14 million Jews alive today, and suddenly you realize that 6 million is an entire third of that.  90% of Poland's Jews were exterminated.

It's just so many.  It's so heavy.  We watched The Pianist and it just felt like my soul was breaking.

Each day it seems my eyes are opened a little bit more, like I can see through a crack in a door to another world wherein most of the Jews of the world WEREN'T killed.  What would a world be like?

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