There has never been an image that more accurately describes me than this one. I am completely unable to handle someone saying or doing something stupid on the internet. This includes advocating the Republican agenda, being racist, being sexist, being classist, or being any other kind of ist really.
My husband is so good at rolling his eyes and not rocking the boat, and I think it frustrates him that I can't. I have to respond to the post where someone said that Obamacare caused Bengazi to make Treyvon Martin have an abortion or whatever it is, and I'll get into real fights with people over things.
I need to get better at it. But my problem is that when people post things like this, other people read them, and believe them, and it propagates something that's either untrue or harmful to a group of people. I try really really hard to only post comments when something is actually false, because I don't like it when Literally Unbelievable gets played out in real life. Those idiotic false statements translate into votes, votes that take away rights. I can't let that go.
But what about the other things, the things that are someone's opinion? If they post an opinion that abhorrent, how do I learn to scroll past it and not let them know that they are a terrible person have terrible beliefs? (Seriously, why would you post any status that includes the phrase "white panther party"?) I can just unfriend them, but then I end up with a group of Facebook friends that just agree with me, and I like having my beliefs challenged every once in awhile.
So seriously, how do I do it? I'm tired of being angry and sad all the time.
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